Thursday, 29 November 2012

Ancient Aliens is a pile of rubbish? 3.5hr scholarly video debunking and critiquing every last drop of it.

Ancient Aliens is a pile of rubbish? Well... maybe not so fast.  

Please note, the above is not some amateur Youtube video. A lot of time went into the production as you can tell.  This is legitimately made by Chris White along with interviews with Mike Heiser-- a Ph.D. scholar in the Hebrew Bible and various Semetic texts. He's still a UFO/Roswell believer, just not in the show Ancient Aliens nor the Ancient Astronaut Theory. It is good to see the other sideHaving said that, this is still just Mike Heiser's side of the story. Whether this guy is truly right ? Only God or the higher beings can really know. Ph.D.or not, he is still just another man with another theory that he wants to break down.    

Here's one user's comment on his website, 
 "The world and the internet area always full of conflict. My personal policy has always been to question “authority” not doing so has resulted in some of the most horrible crimes imaginable. One’s interpretation is as valid as anyone else's. The actual proof may or not show itself in our lifetimes. Paper and the internet can be edited endlessly. To say out and out that someone is wrong when what is being talked about exceeds our life spans if folly of the first order."
After my good buddy and I thoroughly discussed this video, we also put together some of our thoughts: 

1.  Yes, the History Channel does exaggerate a lot of their content, not just in Ancient Aliens, but in other shows as well.  They do use climactic sounds/music (what movie makers use) as a tool in captivating and thrillling viewers.  However, you have to keep in mind the History Channel is an entertainment network and they still need to make money.  They are NOT non-profit. And in today's society, with millions of channels both on TV and Youtube, we have very limited attention spans, so it's harder to capture our interest than before compared to good ol' 90's TV.  In order to attract the audience, especially with a doccumentary, a little Hollywood graphics and exaggeration here and there added wouldn't be surprising.
2.  Yes, Chris White/Mike Heiser does make some strong points. However, some points are questionable to where his "facts" are coming from.  Some of the references he uses are from the 70's.  I'll get into more detail later in a separate post. Bottom line is.... YES some stuff may be exaggerated in Ancient Aliens.  But who's to say who's right and who's wrong? Was he there to watch Puma Punku or the Pyramids being built?  Unless we have eye-witenssses accounts of how the megalithics were built, and of course, nobody has survived millions of years to retell  history in true accuracy, therefore, there is no concrete proof of anything.  Everything can be just a theory.  The whole point of Ancient Aliens is to allow people to open up their brains and eyes.  Think outside the box.  Another theory to anything is possible, to rule it out completely is being stubborn and arrogant.  Just think for a minute.  It's like the debate about Margarine versus Butter.  How many times you hear in the medical field that, "oh, you should take this and this to be healthy....?"  Then the next minute, they come up with new research and now they tell you, "what we said 2 years ago was wrong, you now need to do this to stay healthy..."   It happens all the time in science.  Can it not happen in archaeology? Absolutely.
3. Yes, perhaps the History Channel is profit based, however, the Ancient Astronaut Theorists on the show have really no hidden agenda.  They are a good team of guys who just want to debunk and find the truth about aliens/intelligent life beyond humans.   They never said they were 100% accurate.  That's why they called "Ancient Astronuat Theorists" and not "Ancient Astronaut I-know-it-all-and-only-listen-to-me-because-I have-a -Ph.D."   In Erich Von Daniken's first book, "Chariots of the Gods", everything he wrote were a series of questions. It was a book of proposal. Not a statement.  Everything that was written was in open ended question format.  Although he did have a many facts and figures through his years of research and study, and even actual visitations to many historic sites across the world, he still ended each sentence with a question mark. Nothing was black & white definite.  It's up to the reader to interpret and make their own judgement.  I wonder how many cultural sites did Chris White/Mike Heiser visited before making this Youtube video and website?  Don't get me wrong, Mike Heiser's resume and experience is extensive. Since he has a PhD in the Hebrew Bible, he thinks nobody can really challenge him.  Check out his profile.  He almost comes off as a douche.
4.  There is also a question of where Mike stands in the concept of "intelligence beyond humans." He believes in modern UFO's.  But he doesn't believe in Aliens or Beings piloting the them.  Nor does he believe that aliens/ufo's have been monitoring us for thousands of years.  Since he has a heavy background in the Bible and Semetic text studies, I'll assume he has some belief in the divinity. UM.. OK, So you're telling me, you believe in eggs but you don't believe chickens made the egg. 
 5.  Yes, Chris White/Mike Heiser did put together a decent video, many points about AA need to be reexamined further--- but the video itself is in a context of criticizing others.  Production and content was good.  The manner in which it was delivered, I would go as far as saying, it was unprofessional overall.  No respect to others at all.  (if you view other websites of Mike Heiser's, the same connotative theme and language is pronounced throughout) If the Ancient Aliens guys were out to do harm or brainwash people (i.e. like trying to push AA Theory as a Movement or Religion. Believe in THIS or YOU ARE WRONG! ) then he can criticize the AA community in this manner.  It's almost like this is an example of Muslims vs Christians.  Chris/Mike could have done the video without the obvious smart aleck tone.  He feels that he is the golden boy since he sowed all the "wrongs" of AA and the History Channel to society.  I don't care if he has PhD. That means shit if he cannot compose respect and professionalism. Are they just trying to tap into the fame?  Four separate websites about the same theme. Really?? I think readers/viewers get the idea.  We are not dumb-asses who need your Godly expertise to guide us the right way.  We can have our own interpretation of the evidence. 

Here's another common analogy:  If a Westerner tries to convince an indigenous person how their structure or temple was built, the indigenous person will always reject the Westerner's proposals.  They will always believe, "the gods came from the sky and built it overnight"  -- How many times have we heard this?  Our Western train of thought have been conditioned to account for science to explain every single matter on Earth, and anything outside our realm is placed as absurd.  In short, we humans still know very little about our past civilizations.  Instead of injecting our voice into everything, we should spend a little more time listening to others. 
 6.  So......What about all the other material AA has presented? If Mike wasn't able to debunk them all, then does that mean they are real? Mike Heiser is not the first to denounce the AA theory.  There have been thousands of people rejecting this claim since Chariots of the Gods.  This is really nothing new.  But have the critics looked at ALL the evidence?
My take?  I think most of the material is real about AA.  Some facts and figures are up to interpretation.  Given nobody has survived millions of years to prove whether or not how the megalithics were exactly built, everything is debatable.  The bottom line is that aliens were possibly here for thousands of years. To deny that is to deny that no other life form is greater than us, AND WE're top of the food chain.  A more advnaced species has to be much older than humans in order to achieve such advanced technology.  [This goes back to Machio Kaku's theory of Type 1/2/3/4 civilizations ] Having said this, you could say Chris White/Mike Heiser is trying to be a Type 4 Civilization -- A Mr.Know-it-All.  And we all know how we like those types... No pun intended :P !

The best conclusion is to train your brain to be a sponge with the vast amount of information out there. Collect collect collect, then select select select. 

In my next post, I'm going to debunk Mike's debunker points.  He seems to get a kick out of attacking others, I think it's only fair we start to analyze his background and views a bit further.

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