Thursday, 29 November 2012

Ancient Aliens is a pile of rubbish? 3.5hr scholarly video debunking and critiquing every last drop of it.

Ancient Aliens is a pile of rubbish? Well... maybe not so fast.  

Please note, the above is not some amateur Youtube video. A lot of time went into the production as you can tell.  This is legitimately made by Chris White along with interviews with Mike Heiser-- a Ph.D. scholar in the Hebrew Bible and various Semetic texts. He's still a UFO/Roswell believer, just not in the show Ancient Aliens nor the Ancient Astronaut Theory. It is good to see the other sideHaving said that, this is still just Mike Heiser's side of the story. Whether this guy is truly right ? Only God or the higher beings can really know. Ph.D.or not, he is still just another man with another theory that he wants to break down.    

Friday, 16 November 2012

UFO's flying across Denver everyday btwn 12pm to 1pm [NOV 9, 2012 NEW VIDEO]

If CNN Journalist's tried recapturing this with their own professional cameras, this has got to be quite credible.  Of course, as expected, US officials all deny there were any aircrafts flown between that time and date.

And just why don't we have any official confirmation of UFO's throughout modern history? This video explains all:

Thursday, 15 November 2012

Call of Duty: BLACK HAARP 2!!! Get your copy today!

Did you get your copy of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 ? Obama sure did, he even got the limited HAARP edition -- This cartoon appropriately demonstrates the sarcastic tie between America playing the weather like a video game.   Did America create Hurricane Sandy in order to allow Obama to aide in winning the election?  Climate and Weather manipulation is nothing short of new.


What is HAARP ?  stand's for: "High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program"
In summary, it is a facility in Alaska that contains 180 antennas that are capable to transmit high power, high-frequency radio waves into the ionosphere.  The US claims HAARP is used solely for the purpose of research, but many conspiracy theorists believe that this is just a cover-up for something greater and deadlier. Is HAARP a modern day version of a country's weapon of mass destruction?  Was the Earthquake of Haiti caused by HAARP or something like it? 

File:High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program site.jpg



Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Obama Wins

Another 4 years with this guy.  Good or Bad? I think it doesn't really matter, only time can tell

Religion is False

There are countless posts regarding religion. Debates about who's religion is better or true. Who's wrong and who's right. I'm not going to talk too much about that. So I'm going to take it at a slightly different angle, in an extraterrestrial viewpoint.
RELIGION: "a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
After viewing Bernhard Guenther's,  "UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact" [skip to @ 62min] and his complementing article , it really got my nerves raveled once again.  Mr. Guenther proposes that the ET's are not just one dimensional beings in spaceships that we are grown accustomed to in pop media, but rather they are multidimensional and multileveled beings.  They are so far in advanced compared to us, their presence are not just in pure physical form.  Renowned physicist, Machio Kaku, also further explains what we mean by multi-leveled organisms here in his videos:

Since we humans are the "Type Zero" gold fish in a pond, and the ET's are the "Type 3 or 4" advanced beings outside of the pond with the power of control, for them to have invented religion is a great possibility.

UFOs, Aliens, and the Question of Contact ☞ full length Video HD

This video changed my perception of aliens and extraterrestrial life completely. I always thought they were benevolent creatures that were always around us to guide us and advance us in society. If they were truly on an evil agenda, wouldn't they have eaten us all by now? No pun intended, but this video aims to probe this very topic further

This has got to be the most thought-provoking and useful documentary I have seen. Regardless of whether you believe in aliens or not. It dissects the burning question, "what is the meaning of our existence?" in a whole different level. Was religion and the monetary system carefully injected into society in order to purposely confuse us and keep us in order at the same time? Were human mutilations/sacred rituals/sacrifices of ancient civilizations such as the Egyptians and Mayans part of their way of mimicking modern Alien abduction techniques? or were these pharaohs and kings performing these acts in a pact with these so-called gods in public, undisclosed because society back then were too primitive to fight back? Were Ramses working with god Seth analogous to the way presidents like Obama is working with the New World Order? Only time can tell

direct link HERE

and more Time of Transition videos HERE